The expectation is that better-performing regional stock markets will provide the foundation for a broad-based recovery in equity funds. 投资者的预期是,亚洲地区股市表现好转将为股票型基金的全面复苏打下基础。
Investors are moving their money out of equities and into cash in anticipation of a Greek default and a Federal Reserve rate rise this year, with record numbers taking out protection against a fall in equity markets this summer. 投资者正将资金撤离股市,改为持有现金,他们预计希腊将出现违约而美联储(Fed)将在今年加息。今年夏天采取防范股市下跌措施的投资者人数创下纪录。
Since 1993, mainland-related enterprises have raised more than 3.2 trillion Hong Kong dollars ( US$ 413 billion) in equity funds in Hong Kong. 1993年以来,与内地有关的企业在香港通过发行股票共筹得超过3.2万亿港元(合4130亿美元)的资金。
Unlisted funds were the biggest contributors to the increase in equity, with retail investors and institutions dominating, Nigel Almond, head of capital markets research at DTZ, said. 戴德梁行资本市场研究主管奈杰尔阿尔蒙德(NigelAlmond)表示,非上市基金是房地产投资净值增长的最大贡献者,散户投资者和机构起到了主导作用。
One definition of a bubble: a surge in equity prices unwarranted by fundamentals. 泡沫的定义之一是:股价飙升至脱离基本面的水平。
More than half of the investments made in 2014 by companies from developing economies were in equity and amounted to new projects or acquisitions. 联合国数据显示,发展中经济体企业2014年对外投资的逾一半是用股本进行的,等同于新项目或者收购。
A stable and better-performing Chinese stock market is likely to be a pre-requisite for continued momentum in equity fund sales across the region. 企稳、好转的中国股市,可能将是亚洲地区股票型基金销售势头持续的前提。
The dramatic rise in equity valuations has unsettled China's securities regulators and even some companies raising funds via IPOs. 中国股市的暴涨已令中国证券监管机构十分不安,甚至也引起了部分通过首次公开招股(IPO)筹集资金的企业的忧虑。
This seems like a bogus question, but it's one we need to be crystal clear on for a company with$ 13 billion in equity value and has one holder who accounts for over 60% of the voting power. 这似乎是个伪命题,但鉴于这家公司的权益价值为130亿美元,而且有一位投票权超过60%的股东,所以我们必须清楚地了解这个问题。
Still, Mr Krugman has no idea if the current surge in equity markets is a response to actual recovery. 尽管如此,克鲁格曼并不清楚,当前的股市飙升是否是对实际复苏的一种回应。
However, he said "the weak labour market and the declines in equity and housing wealth" would continue to weigh on spending. 然而,他表示,“疲弱的劳动力市场以及股市和房地产财富的缩水”将继续抑制支出。
Accordingly, Party A has the right to seek injunctive relief or specific performance as a remedy for any actual or threatened breach, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity under or independently of this agreement. 相应的,除本协议下或独立于本协议外法律或衡平法下可获得其他救济外,甲方有权就任何实际或有威胁的违反寻求禁止令或实际履行作为救济。
Instead, most of the volatility was felt in equity markets. 相比较而言,多数波动出现在了股票市场中。
Critics argue that targeting inflation could be damaging in these economies if it means ignoring sharp exchange rate fluctuations and boom-bust cycles in equity and housing markets. 批评人士提出,如果通胀目标制意味着忽视剧烈的汇率波动以及股票和房地产市场的荣衰周期,那么这一制度可能会对这些经济体造成破坏。
Analysts estimate that up to 60 per cent of trading in equity markets is driven in this way. 分析师们估计,目前有60%的股市交易以这种方式进行。
But whenever we invest in equity, we put it in segments where we have domain knowledge. 但是每当我们投资于股权时,我们把它放在我们精通的领域。
That is no longer the case. State-backed domestic institutional investors are likely to be asked to take part in equity capital raisings of local banks, leaving few, if any, to look beyond their borders. 这种情况已一去不返。国家支持的国内机构投资者可能会被要求参与到本地银行的股权融资中来,几乎没有人还会将目光放到国外。
Income from bonds, though positive, was lower than in previous years, but this was more than offset by gains in equity holdings. 年来自债券的收入虽有增长,但却较往年逊色,不过股票方面录得理想收益,抵销了有关的减幅。
This paper mainly discusses the information provided by statement of changes in equity, its personal characters and reasons lead our Country to prefer to. 文章主要探讨所有者变动表所能提供的信息,所有者权益变动表的性质以及我国选择所有者权益变动表的原因。
The achievements make up a deficiency to some extent in equity theory which neglected two aspects of individual character and selection of comparison object. 这些进展在一定程度上弥补了公平理论忽视个体特征和比较对象的选择两个方面的不足。
Such a sharp increase in equity volumes translates more or less directly to stock exchanges 'bottom line, as they make most of their profits from small fees on each transaction. 这种股票成交量的大幅增长,或多或少地直接转化为股票交易所的利润,因为这些交易所的大部分利润,都来自于对每笔交易收取的小额费用。
The Research of Jump Models in Equity Market under the Framework of Continuous-time Finance 连续时间金融框架下证券市场跳跃模型研究
Market valuations remain reasonable, albeit the run up in equity prices and the rise in bond yields have reduced the level of equity attractiveness. 估值仍然理想,但股票价格上升和债券回报率上升都降低了股票的吸引力。
The news prompted further rallies in equity markets. 上述消息推动股市进一步反弹。
He also said a drop in equity trading could hit Goldman because of the firm's heavy reliance on proprietary trading. 他同时表示,股票交易量下降,将给高盛造成打击,因为该公司对自营交易的依赖程度很高。
Asset price inflation: steep increase in equity and property prices. 资产价格膨胀:股本和资产价格高速增长。
This bold move will not only help restore stability in the market, but also create conditions for a future boom in equity investing in China. 这一大胆举措不仅有助于股市回稳,也将为中国未来的股市投资繁荣创造条件。
They expect a pick-up in IPO activity next year, arguing that rising share prices, low volatility in equity markets, and brighter economic prospects will spur a recovery in flotations, especially in the second half. 他们预期明年IPO数量会有所增加,理由是股价上涨、股市波动性降低以及经济前景更加光明,都将刺激企业积极寻求上市,尤其是在下半年。
The first is a cut in dividends; the other is a rise in equity issuance. 一个是削减股息,另一个是增加新股发行。
The publicly listed exchange sector is now one of the hottest plays in equity markets. 上市交易所是目前股票市场上最炙手可热的板块之一。